5 Benefits of More Natural Light in the Home
September 9, 2019
Best Replacement Windows for Natural Ventilation
September 23, 2019Windows are meant to protect your home, but this doesn’t always happen. With use and exposure to the elements, windows will eventually wear out and start causing problems. Some of the biggest concerns with old windows are leaks. The last thing homeowners need is water coming in through their windows. If this happens they need to get replacement windows in Chicago, IL as soon as possible. Here are just a few of the signs to watch for:
Water Accumulation
A pool of water on or around windows will be fairly obvious and is a clear sign of a leak. The water might be from an open window on a rainy day. This isn’t a huge problem. Homeowners can just mop up the mess and make sure windows are closed during storms. But if the window is shut and water is still getting through, that is a major concern. Any water seeping into the home could lead to major structural damage. Before that can happen, homeowners will want to call a window professional and get a quote on replacement windows.
Stains or Discoloration
Signs of windows aren’t always as obvious as a pool of water. In fact, signs are often very subtle at first. Homeowners might notice faint spotting or discoloration. Stains can appear yellow, brown, or copper. It is important to watch out for persistent stains and make sure they do not get worse.
Musty Odor
Wet wood and drywall put off an odor when saturated with water. It is a distinct, musty smell, but homeowners may not notice it until water has accumulated for a while. And the smell might not only come from soggy building materials. It can also stem from the growth of rot and mold and you might notice the smell before you notice the damage.
Rot or Mold
Mold grows best in warm, moist areas. It can happen in the bathroom, basement, laundry room, or anywhere where water is a constant presence. Lingering water often means the accumulation of bacteria and mold. In some cases the mold is minor and homeowners can clean the area and refinish the damage. But the problem will not go away if the leak is allowed to persist.
Peeling Paint or Wallpaper
Another sure sign of water damage is peeling paint or wallpaper. When drywall soaks up water the paint and wallpaper lose adhesion. It may start to bubble, peel, or flake off.
If moisture continues to seep in it can start to saturate the building materials. At first, it may cause soft spots on the walls or floorboards. After a while walls, floors, or ceilings will begin to sag and warp.
If you have noticed any signs of leaky windows you need to get to the root of the problem and consider replacement windows in Chicago, IL. The experts at Scientific Home Services Ltd. can help. To schedule a consultation, visit 5639 W. Howard St. Niles, IL 60714 or contact us at (847) 752-0370.