Should You Worry About Condensation on Your Windows?
August 26, 2019
5 Benefits of More Natural Light in the Home
September 9, 2019Windows can do a lot for your home. They let in natural light and create ventilation for fresh air. They also protect your home against intruders, the elements, and energy losses. And last, but not least, windows are an important aesthetic feature both inside and outside your home. Because they are such important features, windows can also become significant problems if something starts to go wrong. In some cases, you can squeak by with repairs, but for more serious problems you may need replacement windows in Chicago, IL. Here are just a few of the most common window problems and their solutions:
1. Drafty Windows
Ever walk into a room a notice a significant temperature difference? This is often a sign of a drafty or inefficient window. Windows degrade over time and eventually reach a point where they simply cannot insulate as they should. Warm air comes in from outside and cool air leeches out. Not only do drafty windows make certain rooms uncomfortable, but they also drive up the cost on your energy bills from year to year.
You could try replacing worn out caulk or weather-stripping. This could restore the seals and prevent air infiltration. You could also use a protective film to improve insulation. But the truth is, these are temporary solutions. Old windows will continue to degrade and do not have the same efficiency levels and technologies as new products. Ultimately, a better solution is to invest in replacement windows.
2. Moisture Leaks
Unfortunately, moisture leaks are another common problem with old windows. Signs of a water leak include discoloration, bubbling, peeling, warping, icing, condensation, and mold growth. These leaks can stem from poor installation, damaged caulk, glazing problems, or too much humidity and condensation. Moisture damage is a common window problem you cannot ignore. While the damage may start small, it will likely spread and cause a more serious issue if you don’t fix it.
You can try removing old caulk and applying a new seal around the window. But if that doesn’t correct the issue you will probably have to replace the insulated glazing unit or the entire window.
3. Inoperable Windows
Windows should open and close smoothly with very little effort. You should never need to muscle open a window. This could put your safety at risk. A sticky window usually means over-tightening, worn hinges, broken hardware, or warping. And continuing to force a broken window open just causes more damage.
Sliding windows often stick because of debris collecting in the track. You should try cleaning and lubricating it to see if that restores operation. For crank windows, you should try replacing old or broken hardware. New hinges or a hand crank can make all the difference. If these tricks don’t solve your problem there is a larger issue that likely requires window replacement.
If you come across any of the above problems call Scientific Home Services Ltd. You can reach us at (847) 752-0370 or visit 5639 W. Howard St. Niles, IL 60714. We can help make suggestions for repairs or get your replacement windows in Chicago, IL.